For instance, some children believed that tiny people controlled the traffic lights, while others thought that the people they saw on T.V. could see them in real life. As we get older, we put things into a more realistic perspective. We learn the difference between reality and fantasy. What are some things you believed as a kid? Well, you likely weren’t the only one who thought those things. Not quite sure? Then check out this list of 25 Stupid Things You Believed As a Kid That Are Nearly Unbelievable. Yes, there are ATM machines, but they don’t just randomly give you free money. How crushing it must have been for this person to learn the truth.         Although, where would the station keep all the bands? Maybe in one gigantic room?   Hopefully, their parents had the “talk” with them. “Shhh, it’s okay, delicious chocolate bunny. It’s not going to hurt. It’s not going to hurt.” The tryptophan would make you sleepy, and if you’re sleeping you aren’t smoking … boom! (Patent pending.) I was terrified, because I thought they would set our school on fire to teach us what to do in case a real fire started, and I was unsure whether the firemen would be able to deal with the fire before everything was destroyed.” Next up: how to outrun a bear in the woods, with … you guessed it, a real-life grizzly bear. Relax, we’re just joking. They would probably use a polar bear and teach your kids how to run on ice. Also, what kind of education would you need, besides the basic green meaning go, red meaning stop, and yellow meaning slow down? It would definitely make people think twice about making out with random strangers at a bar. But what happens in Vegas should definitely stay in Vegas. Somebody answer us, please! Is this some sort of mutant transformation thing? But please make sure, at some point, to tell them the truth. You can wait until they’re 18 … or 40, whatever works best for your situation. In this movie, an unpopular gym teacher is sitting on the toilet. When she looks down, she sees a snake in the bowl. So, yeah, this belief is not that far-fetched. Theoretically, they could do this, but usually, they either use a really good makeup artist or pick a different actor to play the older/younger version. If only life were that simple. Just open a really strong door and you get an education. Well, maybe it would be if you’re not in the nosebleed seats. By the way, this whole clown prank thing has really gotten out of hand, although some might say we already have a race of clowns in politics. (Cue drum roll and cymbals.) Thank you, we’re here all week! Okay, we watched a lot of Magic School Bus growing up. (We also hope you didn’t take us seriously with this one.) (To be honest, this is not the most ridiculous belief we have ever heard.) Kids, don’t start smoking. This message is brought to you by List25. Thanks but no thanks. ‘No,’ they replied. ‘Those are oojamaflips.’ I must have thanked about a dozen of my friends’ sniggering parents for the yummy oojamaflips in my dinner.” Parents, just tell your kids the truth. Save them from humiliation later in life. Don’t get us wrong; we’re not questioning Mr. Lopez’s skills, but robots with lasers seem like a better choice for protection. Maybe we really are living inside The Matrix, and that cartoon character really can see you and is trying to communicate with you. Okay, we need to stop speculating. (We just freaked ourselves out.) You can literally move a house to a different location, although most people would choose to just buy a new house. Unless they are really attached to the old one.

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