The story of the animated adventure film revolves around Ash Ketchum, the main protagonist of the Pokémon anime, and Pikachu, the most famous character of Pokémon. Ash and Pikachu make their journey to Fula City – a small town across the seashore – to save Mayor Oliver’s daughter, Margo, from a group of bullies. After rescuing Margo, they decide to participate in the contest for catching Pokémon held at the Wind Festival. The Wind Festival is held every year in Fula City to honor the help of Lugia and his efforts to save the town from Zeraora. Ash and Pikachu meet new characters in the movie including:

Callaghan – an aged man who impresses his young niece by telling lies Toren – a distressed Pokémon researcher Harriet – an older lady with an absurd phobia of Pokémon Risa – a high school student who wants to catch Pokémon for her brother who is hospital-bound due to his broken leg.

As the story unfolds, the characters develop a beautiful bond and Ash and Pikachu experience many wonderful adventures. During the story, the celebrations of the festival and lives of the people of Fula City are threatened by a few risks and threats. As things get tough, all the friends gather to save their town and save the festival. According to Callum May of Anime News Network, the adventurous film beautifully portrays various stories, and the characters provide a lasting impression. The Manga Entertainment film was directed by Eiji Umehara, whereas the script was penned down by Aya Takaha. Kunihiko Yuyama supervised the film. The music of the animated film was composed by Shinji Miyazaki. Porno Graffiti, a Japanese rock band, performed the ending song titled “Breath.” Since its release, “The Power of Us” has been a massive hit at the Japanese box office and managed to rank #2 on its opening week. However, despite its success, it could not manage to break the record of “Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You!,” which was released a year earlier. The movie earned 3.1% less than its prequel on the box office. The film dropped from #3 to #4 by the end of the first month of its release. Though it was still being screened in the theaters, it fell off the top 10 list during the seventh weekend. The film managed to earn 1,652,206,500 Yen (approx US$14.88 million). On its 5th weekend, it earned 2,357,352,897.60 Yen (approx US$21 million). By December, the animated film made box office collections worth $25.4 million globally.

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