Here are 25 of the worst people ever based on their historical significance and their overall shittiness as human beings.

Clearly, however, he was a man with a passion for invasion. In fact, it was a passion so great that on his way to pick up his bride, Honoria, he decided to stop in Italy…and destroy it. Razing a country on the eve of your wedding? Outstandingly wicked. As we all know, anyone who starts something called a Reign of Terror belongs on a list of bad people…period. Genghis grew up among this new tribe with whom he learned the skills that would make him so successful as a leader: intelligence gathering, discipline, war strategy, and determination. He eventually became chieftain when his uncle died of old age. Genghis Khan founded the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death. Four million to sixty million people are estimated to have died in Genghis Khan’s military campaigns. Four million to sixty million people are estimated to have died in Genghis Khan’s military campaigns. In 37 AD Caligula came into power after the death of Tiberius and when he did he started to change things around Rome – including setting up a personal harem with 300 of the most beautiful slaves in the empire which included men and women (it is said that he had sex with both). He also put on lavish displays of himself being worshiped as a god, like fighting lions or leading an army around Rome on horseback while wearing expensive clothing and jewelry. In short, his cruelty, sadism, extravagance, and sexual perversions portray him as a psychotic ruler. Translation: he was really, really bad at his job. So bad in fact, that even Fidel Castro once described him as being reckless. Dahmer sexually assaulted, tortured, mutilated, and killed his victims before disposing of their bodies by dismembering them with a knife or acid or both for easier disposal as he experimented with different methods for preserving body parts like skulls. Necrophilia, cannibalism, and the preservation of body parts-typically skeletons-were common themes in his later murders. What’s more, he seemed to have an impulsive desire to randomly invade neighboring countries and when things didn’t go his way he would just take out his frustration on his own people…with poison gas. This Great Leap Forward was an economic disaster, as crops were left unharvested and villagers starved because their meager harvest was taken by Mao’s soldiers for export abroad. Mao also persecuted those he saw as enemies of progress, including intellectuals and those he perceived as capitalist roaders within the Communist Party itself. According to estimates, 80 million Chinese died as a result of starvation, persecution, prison labor, and mass executions during the Mao era. He would then proceed to torture and kill them, ultimately dissecting their bodies and selling the pieces to medical schools. His other favorite methods were boiling them alive in oil or water (or both), burning them alive with sulfur, and roasting them over an open fire. He also enjoyed hanging criminals upside down from poles and then cutting off their heads with a saber while they were still alive-just so they could see what was happening before they died. And this is why we study economics…so that unlike our pal Pol Pot, we don’t starve one-third of our population to death. But that’s not all, Pot and the Khmer Rouge were also responsible for mass executions in places known as Killing Fields. And although no one can be certain of the death toll, it has been said that in order to save ammunition, the executions were often carried out using spades, axes, hammers, and sharpened bamboo sticks. According to court records, Elizabeth and several accomplices would lure young girls to their lair and then proceed to beat them, burn them, bite the flesh of their faces, freeze them, perform surgery on them, starve them, and abuse them sexually. In 1919 he joined a militant anti-Semitic group called German Workers Party (Nazi Party) and became their leader in 1921. Through years of speeches and propaganda, he convinced many Germans that Jews were responsible for all their problems since they had caused Germany’s defeat in World War I and economic depression.  World War II was launched during his dictatorship and he was heavily involved in military operations and the Holocaust. Approximately six million Jews and millions of others were killed in the Holocaust. Assuming that he got a full nights sleep (8 hours) that would mean witnessing 1 execution for every minute he was awake. He became a revolutionary and adopted the alias Stalin, meaning man of steel. He rose through party ranks in Moscow. As General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1922–1952) and Chairman of the Council of Ministers (1941–1953), he held powerful positions. As head of state, he established an autocratic rule which he built upon throughout his life so as not to share power with other potential rivals within his own party or with those outside it who might try to impose their views either on him or on Russia by force. His regime was widely condemned for mass repression, ethnic cleansing, deportations, executions, famine, and thousands of deaths. His speeches and writings were often full of quotations from Hitler’s Mein Kampf and he also organized all aspects of the party’s terror apparatus including Gestapo (secret police) and concentration camps such as Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, and Dachau where over six million Jews were systematically murdered. Nearly 10 million people died as a result of his personal involvement. He was one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany as well as one of its most sinister figures. There is no doubt that these are the worst people ever! Did we miss someone? Who do you think should be on this list. Or maybe you’d prefer to check out these 25 Leaders Responsible For The Worst Genocides Ever Committed.

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