Or perhaps you just read that sentence, laughed out loud, and asked, “Fan?” To some people, the Star Wars movies are just entertainment with special effects, exciting battle scenes, and a captivating storyline. Then there are those who know every detail about the movie. They know all the backstories of every character and they can quote every line. To them, George Lucas is a god, and Star Wars is a religion. There are many quotable lines from Star Wars; sadly, we had to limit ourselves to using 25. And, believe us, it was hard to choose. Did your favorite quote make the list? Here are the Top 25 Most Quotable Scenes from Star Wars. This scene is also the first time the main character, hero, and all-around badass Luke Skywalker is introduced to Princess Leia. The line, “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope,” can be heard in Star Wars: A New Hope. But, that didn’t stop them from raging on each other. After Princess Leia tells Solo that he basically doesn’t stand a chance, Chewbacca (a.k.a. Chewie) chuckles at his friend. Solo, in return, quips, “Laugh it up, Fuzzball.” When Admiral Motti insults the ways of the Jedi, Vader says this quote while choking him without touching him. In all fairness, Leia probably would have figured out how to escape on her own. That is so cool! People should try that in real life. “No officer, I was not speeding. You do not want me to get out of the car.” When Luke tells Yoda that he is not afraid of going against Vader, Yoda simply replies, “You will be … you will be.” So awesome! In true Solo fashion, he responds with, “Who’s scruffy looking?” In Return of The Jedi, Palpatine attempts to persuade Luke to join the dark side. When Luke looks at his lightsaber and thinks about striking the emperor down, the emperor attempts to harness that anger. “Do or do not. There is no try.” Throw trying out the window; one must not disappoint Yoda. When Luke accuses Vader of killing his father, Vader tells Luke, “No, I am your father.” The misquoting of this line is an example of The Mandela Effect, which is a collective false memory. He was a highly respected member of The Jedi Order. He is also responsible for Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) becoming a Jedi … but not responsible for him joining the dark side. In Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker goes to rescue his friend. Skywalker attempts to bargain with Jabba to no avail, hence getting him to say this line. R2-D2, of course, speaks in beeps and clicks, and C-3P0 understands him. Luke’s father, Darth Vader, ends up saving his son and killing the emperor. In the end, good always wins. In the movies, of course. He is a Jedi. He will never join the dark side. Never! When Chewie tells Solo about the rescue mission that involves Skywalker, Solo has a hard time believing it. In case you were wondering what a parsec is, it’s equal to about 3.26 light-years or roughly 31 trillion kilometers. When they begin acting hostile toward Luke and his friends, Luke tells C3P0 to feed their belief that the robot is a god. Most people will say it’s Leia, who turns out to be Luke’s sister, but there are a few discussions about this. For one, how did Kenobi not think about this? He was there for the birth of Luke and Leia. Thoughts? Of course, Solo and Leia end up together. This is Star Wars, not Game of Thrones. With this quote, Yoda shows Luke that he may be sick but still has a sense of humor. You have to admit that it is pretty smooth. Of course, he says it with a smirk. If it was with no expression, it may have been perceived differently. He unleashes his power, and Skywalker screams in agonizing pain. When Vader sees his son suffering, he knows he must help him and kill the emperor. Anakin Skywalker (a.k.a. Darth Vader) asks his son to remove his mask, so he can look upon him. Luke set out to save his father and, in the way that really matters, he did. It makes us want to practice our lightsaber techniques in order to restore balance to the universe.

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